Artist • Writer • Designer

"The creative adult is the child that has survived."
—Ursula K. Le Guin
Eugene, Oregon, to Portland, to Arizona, Alaska, Bend, Yachats, Astoria. That was my geographic trail. My creative trail? I've always loved art and creativity. I've always loved to draw and to look closely. I've always felt my creative spirit.
In the third grade, I was pulled out of class with two other students and put on a bus. I thought I was in trouble. Maybe it was the remedial bus? But it was the Talented and Gifted program, which I didn't understand. But once we got to our new classroom, I was happy drawing.
I still don't really buy the idea of "talent." Not as it's commonly described anyway. I think talent is just circle in our lives where we have creative courage--where we're unafraid to play—and unafraid of the consequences of being curious. If we stay there and just keep playing, onlookers may note we're getting good in these areas. But It's really just a side effect of a creative process. And everybody has this capacity. Everybody can nurture it. Or resurrect it.
I lost mine for a while, but now I have it back. So this is what I do. I pursue ideas, and make them my living, instead of pursing a living and shelving ideas. It's a lot of fun. A lot of work. A happy existence. And if you're here, reading this, then you're a part of it. You're actually helping to make it happen. So, thank you.